Archive for February, 2011


The Heart of Interpretation

In a Sunday Magazine feature, one of my favourite song-smiths Don McGlashan was quoted as saying “A lot of people sound as if they’ve learnt how to sing from a book” and that to “tell a story right from the heart… that’s a rare gift”.Read the rest

Don’t be so Reckless : Tips for Vocal health and Wellbeing

I was lucky enough to see James Reyne perform in Sydney in a recent trip across the ditch. He gave a superb 150% performance, AND all with a ‘shot’ voice (having been prescribed Steroids to keep him going). The good news is, there are alternatives to extreme chemical medication.Read the rest

Let’s go Emo

If we genuinely meant what we sang – it would be so easy. If we genuinely need to express ourselves or a specific perspective in order to be understood, many technical problems disappear. The key, I believe is to be emotionally honest and connected – being ‘in tune’ with your emotions.Read the rest

Each one – teach one: The way of the singing Jedi

Fielding ideas for this column, I received a wonderful list of topics: ‘How to perform when you don’t feel like singing?’, ‘How to sing in tune?’ ‘Tips for voice care while on tour’, ‘Does the voice change with the seasons?’ and even ‘Why is Killing In The Name Of such an amazing song?’Read the rest

Operation ‘Deep Throat’

If you want a harmonious relationship with someone – you must treat them well. If you want to get beautiful sound out of your instrument – then treat that instrument well – with respect, love and care. Unfortunately, we mistreat our voices because we don’t understand how sound is made.Read the rest