Archive for February, 2007


Onsets, ‘Ng’ & The Beginning of the Note

There are three types of onset: Breathy (the bad), Glottal (the ugly) and Simultaneous (the good). Mentally hear the sound of the first note – imagine the exact sound you want to make and you will make it. Sing with your ears.… Read the rest

Facial Anchoring

What you will feel for the following exercises is the lifting of the soft palate, the strengthening of the hard palate and the creation of a lot of space in the head and back of your mouth. You may also feel the cheekbones lift.… Read the rest

Facial Stretches

Do these stretches for at least 20 seconds each and keep breathing normally throughout
Squeeze & Expand
Scrunch face into a central point   Stretch it out in all directions
O & O
Tongue Compass Stretch your tongue to touch your nose (20 secs) Stretch tongue from the base to touch bottom of your chin (20 Secs) Touch your right ear with your tongue (20 Secs) Touch left ear with tongue (20 Secs) Fish lips Blow bubbles with exaggerated lips movements.… Read the rest

Open Throat – Giggle Release

  1. Constriction – tight throat (lifting heavy object or constipation)
  2. Relaxed throat (“I’ve had a hard day”) – tired, exhausted
  3. Giggle – fell muscles move ‘down and out’
On one breath sing 1,2 & 3
Register the contrasting three sensations in your throat Feel the breath on your hand.
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Twang is the most piercing part of a cat’s meow where the ‘e’ and ‘o’ vowels fuse together. Sit on this point for as long as you can. It will sound like a cross cut saw but feel effortless. Other twangy phrases are “nyeh, ne-ne nyeh nyeh!!”… Read the rest