Archive for February, 2011


“You must remember this…” : The importance of memorising song

OK, it may be easier for a blind woman to talk of the importance of memorizing things. True, I don’t have the option of reading the lyrics or sight-reading charts so easily. But, memorizing for the sake of delivery is essential – no matter how many excuses you give yourself for ‘needing’ the words (or music).Read the rest

Performance – Part 2: The Plague of Complacency

Performance – Part 1

In Auckland, the live music scene has suffered from a horrible disease known as complacency. Not only has this affliction prevented punters from going out and attending gigs, it has also affected performers themselves. Lettuce look at the symptoms, cause and cure for this horrible sickness.Read the rest

Driving Your Voice

I’m always thinking of ways to understand and relate to my voice (and other voices) better. Thinking as a socialist: my job is to assist people in accessing their ‘means of vocal production’, to feel less ‘alienated’ from our voices and the expressive process and to not feel ‘exploited’.Read the rest


As a punter at a gig the other night, I was reminded of just how debilitating nerves can be. This guy was a really good singer and a great songwriter, but, his complete lack of responsiveness to the audience and his consequent nervousness, killed my enjoyment.Read the rest

A Nutshell

At the end of a solid four-hour teaching stretch, I had reached a point that torturers must refer to as ‘saturation’. When I asked my student why he thought his voice got louder after singing a song ten or so times?Read the rest