Archive for February, 2011


The Well

					well		       well
					=		          =
					be		       well
					=		          =
					well		       well
					=		          =
					well		      being
					=		          =
					heal		       love
					=		          =
					healer	              lover
					=		          =
					healed	              loved
					=		          =
					healing	             loving
					=		          =
					well		     healed
					=		          =
					well		      loved
					=		          =
					love		       well
					=		          =
					heal		       well
					=		          =
					being		    healing
					=		          =
					healing 	       love
					=		          =
					being 		      loved
					=		          =
					loved		    healing
					=		          =
					love		      being
					=		          =
					being	        well-healed
					=		          =
					loving	               well
					=		          =
					being	         well-loved
					=		          =
					Being     heeled       well
					=		          =
					well	   well        well
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Wentworth Valley Falls

Our legs spindly spider-light Trace the snaking centreline of her constantly outstretched and extending limbs Slightly touching on nerve-endings and the earth surfaces of her arching and lazy body
Over breasts
	   under arms
		    through thighs
				across thin fingers and knotted toes
The sub-bass thud of a Wentworth Valley camper Diving into a rocky pools’ biting cold face Heard through clay/soil brown floor and green leaf ceiling sensitivities The streams are Champagne fountains Bubbling alongside this waterfall pathway New Year / New decade Celebratory Two day old sweet and fresh-scented Floppy-necked new, wide eyed and innocent The deepest green of fern and trees’ natural air conditioning keep our thin Summer skins cool Heads bow forward – softened and shy Humbled by the sky, eyes lowered in silent reverence and prayer Having dropped last year off the very top of her cascade of white water We now surrender And fall into the welcoming cracks and cavities of 2011’s unknown… Read the rest

Somebody else’s eyes on Opoutere beach

pine needle sting is spent dried soft under charred hard soles from black-tarred, red hot, white sands The warmth has slowed my blood right down to a 3 and 1/2hr French art house movie pace with no dialogue, no subtitles, no subplot or subtext I’m not running the walk as usual: chasing at the metal rabbit, racing to keep up with others’ expectations This time, I sip at it deliberately All senses lean back into a hammock torso – formerly overworked, overtime, They’ve hung up their safely goggles, hard hats and reflective vests.… Read the rest

Unmade Bed

I’m an unmade bed, a sink of dirty water I’ve been ripped up and put back together One too many times An unread book, a lost instruction manual And untried recipe for the most delicious pie Now I’m ready to play dead again I’m dead again Fall down and crack open my head again Open my head again… Read the rest

WE – The Lucky

We are e) All of the above a) the lips, b) the kisser c) the pressing against and d) the kissed Lucky us, We, who get to depress our soles into the streets Soil the sheets – and lie in each others’ wet patches and car accidents Digging in Burying the dead and burrowing under piles of e-waste, iGadgets and an alphabet of texted abbreviations Unsuccessfully trying to tattoo the markings of our invisible lives Making each step matter Excreting our essences like the cats rubbing cheeks against ankles dogs pissing around the perimeters in defence of territory… Read the rest